

After forty Years in Northfield Aged Resident Passes Away

Mrs. Veronica Berke, a resident of Northfield since 1874, when she came to this country from Germany, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. McGuire, Friday evening, Dec. 4.  Death was from old age, Mrs. Berke being almost eighty-one years old.  Her birthday anniversary would have been Dec. 3.  Though she had not been well for the past two years she was ill in bed but four weeks. Funeral services were held Monday at 9:00 a.m., Rev. Fr. Meade officiating.

Veronica Golisch was born Dec. 9, 1833, in Germany in the Province Posen.  Here she was married and spent the first half of her life.  In 1874 she came to this country with her husband and three children and settled in Northfield, where they had two sons who had come to the United States some time before.  Here Mr. Berke engaged in the carpenter trade.  Ten years ago in October Mr. Berke died and since then Mrs. Berke continued to occupy the home on West Water Street.

She was of a quiet, home loving nature and did but little visiting, though she had many good friends.  Relatives state that during the forty years spent here in Northfield she had made but one or two trips down town to the stores or post office.  Mrs. Berke was a faithful member of the Catholic Church since childhood.  Her daughter, Mrs. J. H. McGuire, had her home adjoining her mother and was able in many ways to help her.  Brought up in Germany she remained a German to the last, speaking but little English, greatly interested in all that concerned Germany.  The war greatly distressed her.

Of the ten children that were born to Mr. and Mrs. Berke the following are left to mourn her death:  Mrs. J. H. McGuire and Roman Berke of Northfield; Albert Berke of St. Paul and Herman Berke of Montrose, S.D.  She also left a nephew, Bernard Golisch of  St. Paul; two granddaughters, Mrs. John Schwartz, and Mrs. Nelson of St. Paul; all were present at the funeral.  There were nineteen other grandchildren and ten great grand children.

Northfield News, December 7, 1914



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